Thursday, September 25, 2014

Charity Mission

Care for Carrie B. Charity
God Heal Carrie

We believe no one should have to carry burdens alone. The body of Christ, the church, is commanded to share and carry each others burdens. Carrie is our sister in Christ and we shall share her burdens.

We believe this charity will empower our sister to explore every avenue of wellness to care for her body the way God intends and leads her.

We believe this will offer our sister with more options by allowing her to freely try any methods for her healing.

We believe we can support and encourage Carrie with her choices to buy organic, non-GMO fruits and veggies (which can get very expensive).

We believe together as a church body we can help lift the burden of medical expenses, and general living expenses.

We believe this charity will encourage and lift up our sister who’s heavy laden and greatly burdened emotionally and financially.

In 2011, Carrie’s way of life changed with one sentence. “You have stage 4 breast cancer and there's not much we can do."

Each time a doctor or nurse looks at Carrie’s medical chart, she sees a death-sentence look that comes over their faces. Carrie leaves the office feeling defeated and goes home to an empty home.

She has no built-in, ready-made support system like many of us. When Carrie gets home from a long day at treatments, appointments, pokes and scans, she makes herself dinner and does dishes, laundry and cleaning. She tries to get to bed on time, so she can get up early the next morning. She commutes to work during the ever busy drive-time, tries to get through her work day - chemo side-effects and all - and then drives home to do it ALL OVER AGAIN.

Carrie doesn’t have a spouse to hug or cry her tears of frustration to. She’s single and feels alone.

While singleness is a gift from God, it can be lonely and tiring after 3 years of battling cancer.
FIve years Carrie’s been carrying this burden alone and recently reached out to a couple of her friends. She asked for help.
Here we are, her family, members of the church body, caring for our sister who needs our help.But we can’t do it alone either. We need your help.

Will you help your sister in Christ? Will you walk along side her, lift her up with prayers and financial support?

Click here for Carrie’s complete testimony and to donate here.