Wednesday, October 29, 2014

She IS Family

Whoever created the online giving accounts and other social media fundraising is brilliant and as I browse through, I'm amazing to see the outpouring of gifts to help and support families in need.
Families hit hard by disease, death, and the bad storms of life. 
Then, look at Carries account. Its been several months and she's gotten three donors and raised a little over $100.00. 1% of goal. Thank you for reaching out. 

However, my analytical brain started working and I wondered why some accounts get more likes, shares and gifts while others do not. Is this a competition who has it the worst or best marketing? 

I see a cute baby or struggling couple with kids and I feel compelled to donate, as do many. But what do you think when you hear of a single person struggling?

What about the compassion and support for the single men and women? Who have no husband or wife to rely on, or to cheer for them. 
What about Carrie, my single sister in Christ? She has no one else but friends aka brothers and sisters in Christ. Because she's single, she has no one else to rely on but the Church. 
I analyzed a little bit more and stay with me I'll make my point soon. 
Our churches have moms groups, married groups, men's groups, 20-30 groups, senior group, where does the single person go? what group? When Carrie walks into a church and she's met with comments and questions "Oh, you're single" and "So, when are you going to get married?" And some times pure uncomfortable silence. 
Are people afraid of singleness? We're told by Paul that singleness is a gift. 

Yes, we have single people in our churches and they are valuable members of the church body but where does the over 30 single person go? Where do they fit in? Do we push away the singles to meet other singles and stay within their group? I'm not pointing fingers at any one particular church. I talking about the whole body of Christ-the Church.

Singles are welcomed in churches, they are encouraged to serve, and participate. But really where do they go for help? They look to the Body. 

I know Carrie's story because I've known her since we worked together at Care Net in 06. I know her passion for Romanians and missions, and her struggles with finances because of a string of storms, her medical appointments and scans, waiting for results, having doctors tell her negative news, the aspects of her life that she's shared publicly. 

My point, I look at the Church and what we are doing. I believe we are failing our single group. Let's squash any thoughts that its someone else's problem, or her family will help her. We are her family! She is our sister. The 20/80 rule shouldn't apply when one of our own is struggling. 

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