Thursday, March 26, 2015

Carrie's Update & her plea for help

I Carrie am going to put it out there that I am in a time of my greatest need ever. I will then allow the Good Lord to fully wrap me in His sufficiency and help. Friday I went to the ER with excruciating back pain and after a CT showed I have a tumor pressing on my spine and some broken vertebrea at T-12 threatening paralysis, I was transported to Froedtert (bigger hospital). I've been out of the hospital since Monday evening and right back to work Tuesday morning. Ten radiation treatments have started for the tumor in my spine that has come very close to causing paralysis (not out of the woods on that one) and has fractured some vertebrae at T-12. Phew! My head is spinning.
I need a lot of prayer and will just bullet point some things below:
- Along with praying for healing these tumors, please pray just as much and maybe more fervently for complete bone healing. Without bone healing and with the tumor gone, my spine would collapse. Let's not go there.
- Peace and strength. I have been enduring a mammoth amount of stress, anxiety, and depression the last few weeks leading up to this back incident (post-oophorectomy). I also had a very bad fall related to a pretty severe panic attack a couple weeks ago so I'm also nursing those wounds on my legs yet. My cancer has always responded hugely to my emotions so I NEED to get that in check.
-I'm trying to work on getting counseling but there is always some kind of hitch and I'm cancelled or rejected or schedule is messy. Please pray that I put ALL my hope and trust in the Lord as Counselor, Friend, Healer, and Advocate.
- Finances. Arghh. I'm single. Working full-time. Lots of bills. I have gone nearly bankrupt trying to afford stuff on my own that only stressed me and progressed the cancer. Credit cards are out of control and now on forced on Medicare, I have a ton of out-of-pocket I didn't expect into the thousands. Plus, Medicare is playing a lot of games monopolizing what meds I can get...not based on need, but based on insurance decisions (yeah, that's wrong) This is along with a problematic car, school loans demanding their payback, and a new Naturopathic MD that insurance won't cover. I will be starting Vitamin C infusions next week and in faith will have to believe I can keep that up somehow. Stopping work is not an option because I can't live under a bridge on disability eating scraps. That's all been thoroughly considered already.
-This Natural MD is great with Integrative Cancer Care, but not cheap (Dr. Whitcomb at Brookfield Longevity). I just need to trust God will bring it. If you want to directly support my care at their clinic please call them and donate as you feel led to my costs there. 262-784-5300. Dr. Whitcomb will work with my conventional oncologist and he is very experienced and knowledgable. He has several women with Stage IV breast cancer thriving under his care.
- Wisdom with my conventional oncologist. I see her in about a week for direction. I don't have her take on things yet since the hospitalization so I don't know what she'll say. I'm going to listen and weigh out all my conventional options, once again, and hopefully there is something new and improved. Going back on chemo is a big possibility so pray that I used Wisdom and not stubborness or fear to make any decisions. I was almost free of cancer back when I did Taxol so that may be a good option along with the integrative stuff. Right now I need to get this cancer under control integratively and quickly. I NEED to stop striving, stressing, and going broke. I NEED to just rest in the Lord and trust Him with healing even if it means some sort of conventional in the mix. He will take care of all the needs. But I need to move in the direction He is calling me and be covered by prayer support. Some practical ways that can help:
- Gift cards for gas, Outpost, Whole Foods, Health Hut, Target, WalMart, etc. I don't eat out at restaurants or by "frivolous" things right now.
- Insight on how my Medicare works and how I can make it work better for me if you are a pro at understanding that system.
- Info about any really good, solid Christian counselors that will take my Medicare for payment.
- I realize that many of you don't know me and giving is not something you feel comfortable doing. That is totally okay. The prayers are so much more valuable right now. I am putting down a lot of pride coming right out and asking for financial help.
 I do wish I had something to offer or sell or time to do something where you can receive back from your giving, but I don't at this time or energy right now. I certainly will, as I always do for every penny given, pray the Lord bless your kindness. He has more to offer than I ever will. Many have given so much and I have not expressed my gratitude enough. I think often of you all and the love you have showed me. I'm struggling with just trying to survive daily, so please don't take my lack of acknowledgment personally. I am very stressed with many things plus being an introvert means I need good alone time (I'm easily panicked by too much people/noise/stuff). My social life has practically gone by the wayside given these circumstances, and I do apologize. Now here I pop up when I want something. I am truly sorry for that. I seriously do keep you all in prayer. I am so thankful to many that came alongside me. Some of you don't even know me! That's so amazing. I am so INCREDIBLY thankful.
Phew! Thank you ALL for your prayers. It has greatly helped. I shall not die but live to declare the wondrous works of the Lord. He is AMAZING.
God love ya. Carrie.

As always for tax-deductible gifts send to

Calvary Chapel of Milwaukee

Write "Carrie" on the Memo Line 

7368 N. Teutonia Ave.

Telephone: (414) 355-7601

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